In fact, guys find self-confidence sexier than how a girl looks. Just being a shy girl itself can do wonders for your love life. But if you want to use your shy side as an advantage and appear even more desirable, use these subtle and yet obvious tips. Shy girls attract guys like moths to a warm flame. But not all shy girls have the grace and the ability at this source to do that. After all, it’s just your social anxiety acting up.

If you’re blessed, she’ll also tell you that she’s crushing you. If you’re planning to determine if a shy girl likes you, try getting together with her through texting. If she text messages you frequently, she likes you. Texts quite often indicate that she’s interested in you, and so try to answer to them. Your lady might respond to your text messaging with issues about very little. If your woman does, you can create it being a sign that she’s interested.

  • And then there are the women in their mid-twenties or later who are still very inexperienced .
  • Yet, she can’t share that with a guy if he is suppressing his masculinity and being too soft, nice and gentle with her.
  • She’ll ask mutual friends about you and even dig out old yearbook photos too.
  • Another reason could be that past friendships/relationships have made her reluctant to get close to someone new.
  • In a place of love and growth, she’s raising a tribe of three with her husband – and writes to inspire people to create impactful relationships.
  • Hence, it is important to listen to all of her sentiments, her inhibitions, her experiences and make her feel that whatever she has to say, you can understand.

If you now know that a shy girl likes you, you must be wondering how you can approach her gently and comfortably to ensure that things work out smoothly. Well, we have the answer for you in the following infographic. Meeting shy girls can be difficult but there are a few apps that make it a LOT easier.

One-sided conversation is common when dating a shy girl

So let’s say you’ve already secured the guy and the date. The list of things that could go wrong feels endless. A shy girl can mesmerize any guy when she’s talking to him. Talk in a soft, low voice, and don’t worry about sounding shy. Any guy you’re talking to would probably be smiling wide and staring at you like a kid staring at candies through a window display.

If you’re interested to know, here’s how to tell if a shy girl likes you. This isn’t so much a practical issue as an attitude that can make a shy woman feel their concerns are dismissed or misunderstood. They can just sit back and wait for a man to come to them, then let him do everything to move the relationship forward. They get to be the choosers, sorting through the platter of men that are presented to them, and rejecting the ones that don’t meet their standards. Also, there’s a belief that shyness is seen as a major flaw in men, but endearing, even desirable, in women.


It would be definitely better if you don’t have to do it at all. But whatever, I guess since nobody’s perfect, there might happen occasions when you have to set things right. Make sure you are not too harsh when correcting a girl.

She may seem tongue-tied in front of you, but her feelings pop up in the text messages. I wouldn’t have a big discussion about her being shy or you wanting it to be romantic.

The ideal first date must be somewhere where you can spend time together, without the annoying gazes to make her feel more nervous. Going for a walk, a state park or a quiet and cozy café are the good ideas. An excellent way to impress a shy girl is to present her some small gifts such as an ice cream or a fancy bouquet of wildflowers. Never even try to make fun of her being timorous.

She may even start taking dance classes to show she is keenly interested in you but is shy enough to express. If she is interested in you, she may drop subtle hints about you in her social media posts.

You may even find her going to the washroom multiple times to put on some makeup and check how she looks. She wants to make physical contact but doesn’t know how to. You may find her running into you or walking past you. She might even brush her hand on yours to feel your touch.

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